Queens Power blogger recruitment!
Apply for the position of Queens Power blogger!
Overview: Introducing the Queens power blogger
Queens power blogger would be selected from a recruiting pool of numerous managers of fashion blogs with substantial number of followers. The blogger should display the Queencontacts emblem on his/ her own blog and post relevant information regarding beauty and style in coordination with Queencontacts. The blogger would upload specific comments and actual reviews about the items(comfort. style, details, packaging etc) that are provided, of course, free of charge.
The Power blogger is responsible for introducing our homepage to all the customers and providing specific reviews and frank information about the lenses to our potential customers.
The blogger should upload the comments, pictures or videos about the items from the perspective of a single customer. As much as we hope to attract more potential customers, to love our outstanding products and ongoing events, power bloggers will be selected upon shrewd scrutiny and caution.
Recruiting : All the customers who love Queencontacts web-site
Benefits for the Queens power blogger : Being Qualified to evaluating and comment on newly arrived products provided with no charge from Queencontacts, accompanied by several bonus advantages.
Main activities :
-Displaying the Queencontacts emblem on your blog
-Uploading reviews on the provided products
-Introducing the ongoing events through Social Networking Services such Facebook, Blogs, etc
Hope you are all delighted to see the power blogger later. ^^