A Guide to Cosmetic Contacts Designs

The eyes are the windows to the soul. They allow you to express yourself without your having to say a word. Colored cosmetic contacts give you the ability to enhance your looks by changing the color of your eyes to make them look more noticeable and admirable!

With so many options to choose from, you can try different designs for a different look every day. Whether you prefer a more natural look or you want to be more adventurous and you’re aiming for something more doll-like and ethereal – which many Korean designs can help you achieve – we’ve got you covered here at

Types of lenses

Lens designs fall under two types: enhancement lenses and opaque lenses. Enhancement lenses usually come in translucent form with designs that are meant to go along with your natural color, so different types of designs will look different depending on your eye color. It’s all a matter of preference. Opaque lenses on the other hand, change the color of your eye completely as they cover the entire iris, giving you a more dramatic and altogether different look.

Toric contact lenses

What makes Toric lenses different are their shape. Unlike common contact lenses that have a spherical surface, Toric lenses are shaped like a ring-shaped donut. These lenses are used to correct astigmatism so you will need a prescription from your doctor to determine what kind is right for you. These lenses also come with different designs so you can have fun with your look while treating your vision problems.

Circle or Big Eye lenses

Big eye lenses work best for dark colored eyes as the presence of the dark circle, called the Limbal ring, gives the illusion of larger eyes (hence the term “big-eye” lenses). These lenses give a doll-like look and they also come in different designs and colors, which enables you to be more adventurous and versatile with your look.

Picking the right color

If you are going for a more natural look, darker tones will look better with olive and darker skin tones. While more vivid hues will look more natural with people with lighter or pinkish skin tones.

With so many designs and styles to choose from, it’s all about personal preference, so have fun with it!

▶A Guide to Cosmetic Contacts Designs

▶How to achieve mesmerizing eyes with Geo Lenses

▶Brown ontact Lenses

▶Black Contact Lenses

▶Gray Contact Lenses

▶Blue Contact Lenses

▶Green Contact Lenses

▶Violet Contact Lenses

▶Pink Contact Lenses

▶Prescription Colored Contact Lenses

▶Cheap Colored Contact Lenses

▶Toric Colored Contact Lenses

▶Wholesale Colored Contact Lenses