Tip for purchasing colored lenses for the beginners.
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Tip for purchasing colored lenses for the beginners. As people are getting more and more interested in appearance, a lot of people are using lenses nowadays. Yet, for our valuable eyes that the lenses directly touch, what should we consider? We would like to give a few tips for the first users, briefly.

When wearing contact lenses for a long time, oxygen cannot be provided to eyes. Also if the pigment of the colored lenses touches the cornea, we would feel eyestrain which all would result in impairing sights.| It is more important for you to choose the lenses that the safety is secured. Circle lenses are popular as much as colored lenses nowadays.

Contact lenses are quite different with colored lenses as there puts black and grey pigment on the edging around of the contact lenses. They are used for directing cute and younger impression by making pupils look bigger. Recently, colored lenses with differentiated designs and colors are more popular, and there are various kinds of them with different patterns or with different colors in the market place. Which would be a clever choice for our eyes?

It is important to consider the rate of moisture concentration and oxygen-permeability when selecting suitable lenses. Moisture concentration means the percentage of water content in the lenses. Either the high or low concentration gives bad effect to the eyes. Lenses with the high moisture-concentration rate can make eyes dry because they try to keep moisture. The right percentage is 38%-42%. Moreover, you should use the products with a good oxygen-permeability, as the amount of oxygen provided to eyes directly influences our eyes. Yet, if you are concerned of pigment that directly touches the cornea, then we recommend you to use the ones made by Sandwich process. (all the products that we provide are processed with Sandwich method.)

Sandwich process is the method of inserting pigment between the lenses. Some low-priced lenses are produced by printing pigment on the surface, which can cause various side-effects, as the pigments can smear the cornea or oxygen can be blocked. Also, as colored lenses are the medical supplies, you should make sure if the products are the identified ones and if they are provided in the right place.

 Click here (quality guaranteed)for the specific information regarding the safety and authenticity. For the lense-beginners, the suitable graphic diameter is 14.3 mm. The smaller ones would cause the HULA phenomenon where the lenses frequently move within the eyes. Earlier products used to be smaller, but nowadays lenses with diameter 14.3mm are mostly used. Caring lenses are also very important!! For our healthy eyes, colored lenses should be cleaned everyday. In fact, there are some people having problems on eyes because of careless management and misuses. It is necessary to have eye-check up periodically, follow the instructions regarding caring the lenses and purchase the identified lenses for the healty eyes. Here are some tips for wearing lenses !!

Lenses should be worn before makeup. In reverse, remove the lenses before wiping off your makeup.
Refrain from using contact lenses when exposed to dust, smoke, or chemicals.
Clean the case more than 1 time in a week, and put it upside down to dry out all the moisture
Replace the lenses every three months.
Refrain from using lenses when swimming and taking a bath to prevent infections.

When cleaning the lenses, oppression can make deformation on its curve.

  Please rub the lenses carefully. For more information related to wearing and caring the lenses, please read this (Instruction Guide)!

Colored Contacts for Astigmatism

2. Types/Characteristics of Astigmatism Colored Contacts
3. Ups/Downs of Astigmatism Colored Contacts
4. Corrective usage of Astigmatism Colored Contacts
5. Understanding Astigmatism Prescription

6. Usage of Astigmatism Colored Contacts

1.Definition : What are Astigmatism Colored Contacts? They refer to aesthetic lenses produced by adding colored pigments on the surface of astigmatism correction contact lenses. These soft contacts produced in Korea, both serve aesthetic and vision-correcting purposes. The contacts utilize natural pigments mostly, and are only produced as soft lenses due to technological limitations.

The colors vary, ranging from blue, brown, grey, green, and to purple. The appeared color when worn also varies by the innate color and density of the pigment of the wearer's pupil. Thanks to its aesthetic function of making the eyes appear bigger and clearer, the product has been widely popularized by many women.

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The product, exported to all around the world as a necessity in young women's fashion accessories, are produced solely upon custom orders that reflects individual astigmatism levels of the customer. The line of product therefore display high price, and is scarce in its variety of models to choose from compared to other models of regular colored contacts. Still different design choices are avaialbe: Natural color design, Exotic foreign color eye contacts etc.

The types include continuous wearable lenses that can be used for periods of 6 months to 1 year, and one-day lenses that must be replaced after usage for once. However, due to its low rigid-gas permeation rate compared to normal vision correction soft lenses or rigid-gas permeable lenses, Astigmatism colored contacts have high probability of causing keratitis or corneal ulcer and must not be worn by people who have xerophthalmia, or people who work in environment with high temperature changes or exposure to harmful gases.

Manufacturing Astigmatism Colored Contacts involves taking both myopy and astigmatism level into account. Therefore only with precise measurement of one's condition from ophthalmologist can one have the perfect colored contacts produced. In order to prevent the side effects from wearing colored contacts, one must purchase the right lenses after having allergic reactions tested out from optical centers. Moreover, contacts must be maintained with hygiene, with constant washing and cleansing of remnant protein tissues. The time worn must not exceed 6 to 8 hours. Nighblind people or overnight drivers must not wear colored contacts, since the contacts may blur their sights during nights.

2. Types/Characteristics of Astigmatism Colored Contacts

Types: Astigmatism Colored Contacts come in various colors including brown, black, grey, pink, and violet. Unlike normal colored contacts with various sizes, the astigmatism colored contacts are only manufactured in standard 14.0mm size, in order to minimize the movement of lense along the pupil and effectively correct astigma.

Characteristics: Unlike normal colored contacts, astigmatism contacts are manufactured strictly on custom orders. Since production involves knowing both myopia and astigmatism levels for one contact lense, these products cannot be manufactured in mass nor in advance. The production normally takes 1~2 weeks.

3. Ups/Downs of Astigmatism Colored Contacts


Astigmatism Colored Contacts exposes your beautiful eyes, maximizing the aesthetic effect that unnatural eye-glasses cannot bring to you. Improved vision in public spaces such as train stations or airport display boards eradicates your unconscious habit of squinting your eyes.

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The lenses feel a little thick when worn. However, advanced technology of colored contacts production manufactures thinner lenses that helps comfortable experience. As soft lenses the products may cause blurry vision due to misalignment of axis that arises from the contacts' dislocation within the eye. Compared to regular colored contacts, they are expensive. Since production involves knowing both myopia and astigmatism levels for one contact lense, these products cannot be manufactured in mass and are only custom-produced. The production requires complex technology so that it satisfies individual eye-specific needs. The price range is therefore, higher, but recent advanced technology allows for the prices to drop.

The consumer reviews of astigmatism colored contacts vary; some love the product, while some are disappointed.

4. Corrective usage of Astigmatism Colored Contacts

Astigmatism-only contacts are designed to have correction rates in only one direction. While glasses can fix the lenses steady above the eye thanks to its frames, soft lenses cannot prevent the contacts from revolving along the pupil's surface, and therefore has lower correctional effect compared to hard lesnes or glasses. For normal sighted people with uniform cornea shapes, the focus of light forms an image at a concentrated point on the retina. Astigmatism refers to the condition in which the rugby-ball shaped cornea fails to form an image at the designated uniform point.. In order to fix such condition, small and firm hard lenses are very effective. Tears fill up in the interior surface of the firmly-positioned contacts, and naturally help the contacts shape the cornea's orientation.
On the other hand, soft lenses are big and flexible; the correctional effect is low because the lenses constantly move along the pupil's surface. For severe astigmatism, the unstable movement of the contacts may even worsen the overall comfort of the wearer. For aforementioned reasons, most astigmatism colored contacts are manufactured in relatively small DIAs of 14.0mm and large Base Curve of 8.6mm in order to minimize such side effects; Small DIA prevents rapid movement of contacts when worn, and large base curve alleviates the pain on the eyes.

5. Understanding Astigmatism Prescription

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What does -6.50 sph. -2.25 cyl x180 mean? Sph is a short term for spherical that indicates spherical contacts: Contacts for myopia. The prescription indicates that the patient has a diopter 6.50 myopia. In English, the patient will only be able to form an image properly on his retina when he uses concave lens of 6.50 diopter. Cyl refers to cylindrical contacts, or more commonly, the astigmatism lenses. The aforementioned prescription indicates that the level of astigmatism is 2.25 diopter. Astigmatism is a symptom in which an image's focus differs by the angle of the vision's orientation axis. The image's focus in 80 degree axis and 180 degree axis are different. For the aforementioned prescription, x180 indicates that the patient's vision will be enhanced by applying the 2.25 diopter astigmatism at 180 degree axis angle. The combination of myopia remedy and astigmatism alleviation consists the prescription. When a patient cannot reach the normal sight of 1.0 even using these remedies, he/she must be thoroughly examined for other diseases. People with -2.0 diopter myopia can display unaided visual acuity ranging from 0.4 to 0.1, but should have no problem attaining 1.0 with a 2.0 diopter myopia contacts.

6. Usage of Astigmatism Colored Contacts

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Unlike regular colored contacts, Astigmatism Colored Contacts can secure clear vision only when its worn with perfect alignment of its axis. Astigmatism is a symptom in which an image's focus differs by the angle of the vision's orientation axis. The image's focus in 80 degree axis and 180 degree axis are different. Therefore, Astigmatism Colored Contacts mark the axis degree in production. Only by choosing the right degree can the patients fully have their vision corrected. Careless choices in degree levels may cause even more blurred vision when worn, so people must always check the degree levels of the colored contacts.

Most astigmatism contact lenses display a sign of AX in one side of the contact. Users must wear the contacts so that the AX sign locates downwards. For some colored contacts without the axis sign, the thicker surface is where the axis lies, and must wear the contacts so that the thicker side faces downward. For those of you who are still confused about the orientation of the contact, blinking several times after wearing the contacts would steadily pull the axis surface downwards and clear your vision.

How to find axis

Important: wear so that the axis surface faces downward.

Before wearing

1) Use a mirror to check if there is any congestion in your eyes.
2) Trim your nails so that they are short and not pointy.
3) ash your hands thoroughly with soap.

Checking your contacts

Before opening the seal, double-check if there are any damage to the wrappings and container.
Do not open when you find damage.
Contact your merchant when you find anomalies.

Opening the Container

1) Check to see if one lens is located in the center of the container and examine its colors or any damage.
2) The metallic part of container's cap displays arrow signs. Turn the cap to the opposite direction of the arrow displayed and gently lift it up.
3) Open the seal as you turn the cap in one direction. Be careful not to cut your hand.
4) Peel the rubber seal, and shake the container lightly so that the contact can float. Use the lens after you pour some reservation liquid in the contact's case.
5) When you have accidentally removed the cap, do not use force to peel the seal but turn it to one direction using clippers. Daisy Brownカラコン

Checking your lens

1) Take out your lens and check for distortion, discoloration, external contamination, cracks and damage. Wearing defective product can be a cause for visionary disability and one must never attempt to do it.
2) Put the lens on a fingertip to check whether the lens is in right direction. Wearing overturned lenses will cause discomfort and unintended dislocation of the contacts.
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How to wear Contact lenses

1) Rinse the lens in saline water thoroughly.
2) Put the lens on index finger of your comfortable hand and check its shape. It is easier to wear the lens when you remove water on the surface of contacts.
3) Use middle finger of the same hand to pull down the lower eyelid.
4) Use middle finger of the other hand to pull up the upper eyelid, exposing your pupil.
5) With both eyes staring straight at the mirror, gently place your contact on your pupil so that the axis of the lens faces downwards.
6) Check that the contact is lying correctly on your pupil and lift your finger slowly.
7) Blink a few times slowly to check if the contacts are properly worn.  Daisy Brownカラコン

How to remove contacts

1) After washing your hands thoroughly with soap, look in the mirror to locate the lens, and look up the mirror so that your pupils are facing up.
2) Use the middle finger of your comfortable hand to pull down the lower eyelid.
3) Hold the position and use your thumb and index finger to slightly grab the lens and take it out. Be careful not to scratch your eye nor the lens with your nails.
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Side Effects from Astigmatism

No. 1
Even if your prescribed contacts are designed accordingly to your vision, your vision may still be blurry when the axis of contacts is not aligned. When you experience unclear vision wearing these stigmatism contacts, please keep in mind for this cause and examine the contacts and your wearing method. Most cases of blurry vision arise not from wrong prescription but misalignment of axes. 

No. 2
We do not recommend astigmatism contacts for people with dry eyes. Dry eyes cause contacts to firmly stick on the surface of the pupil, and do not rotate: contacts will not change directions freely to enhance vision. 

Q. What causes roll-over(eye pain)?

A . 
1. Something in your eyes
If small dust or foreign substance gets in your upper eyelid, your retina receive minuscule damage when you blink. 
Source—“I’m experiencing roll-over”, published by Maruyama Ophthalmic Clinic in Toomi town, Takatsuki City, Osaka

2. Infection in ocular conjunctiva that contacts your eye surface and rear of the eyelid
 There are several causes of conjunctivitis, and they can roughly be classified as infections(virus or contagion from microorganic contagion), allergies(pollenic, atopy, or direct cause from contact lenses) and exterior damage(scars to retina, dust, or chemicls).

3. Dry Eye
Dry Eye, or xerophthalmia refers to a condition in which one cannot produce enough tears to maintain healthy humidity of the eyes, or experience the unbalanced quality of substances in one’s tears. These conditions cause unbalanced distribution of tears to the surface of pupils and may damage the retina. Besides utilizing eye drops to moisturize the eyes(Drops containing Hyaluronic Acid), an insurance-covered treatment called “Tear Plug” is being carried out widely. The treatment will block lacrimal point using  small silicone plug to block the outlet of tears and provide moisture.